Since the production of Muto's cover glass employs automatic instruments, they
are produced without fingerprints or dirt. Also they are severely controlled so that
the size and thickness are exact and uniform. Moreover, as the hydrolytic class 1 is
used as material, there is no distortion and it is optically uniform.
Refractive index: nD = 1.5220 ¡¾ 0.001
Reflective dispersion force: Ve = 56
Thickness: 0.12-0.17 mm-
[ Features ]1. Since there is neither dust nor dirt, it can be used immediately.
2. The price is reasonable with high quality.
3. It is packed in a plastic case so that you can be performed in one action
[Cover Glass for automatic machine]We provide cover glass for automatic cover glass machine except the type 18x18mm
The cover glass for automatic machine is coated on the surface.
Please give an order with the remarks that it is for an auto cover glass machine.
Code and price are same as conventional ones.